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I Get By with a Little Help From My VO Friends

Like most things out there, having a support network of friends, family, coworkers, and subcontractors is key in helping build a successful business- maybe more so in a creative industry like Voice-over. Especially when you are starting up and trying to grow your voice-over business. Besides the moral support and the advice, there is the empathy of someone who knows what you are going through and what the job is really all about. Because voice actors, ‘go into the office’ less often and tend to work from home, it winds up being a widely virtual support system. These Voiceover support networks are formed at conventions, webinars, classes, forums, and social media.

In the last couple of years, I have found support systems have increased my productivity.

Outsourcing, whether it is bartered, volunteered, or paid has helped me move my voice-over business forward.

Here are some examples of services and help I have sought out

Website- This was a huge step for me in having a website professionally designed and upgraded from what was originally my first homemade website. This has made the world of difference in having started a blog and increasing my visibility. It took a bit of storyboarding and weeks to come together but the time, effort, and cost have been worth it. I have had this website for about 1½ years and I highly recommend the investment of hiring a website professional, who also worked with me on branding and gave me advice on how to best use and set up a website. There are also folks out there that will also outsource marketing, blog writing, and client lists.

Marketing – My wife joined the business in 2020 and it has freed up time for more auditioning, doubling up on marketing efforts, and providing me with another perspective. We usually edit the blog together and she takes care of the visuals (photographs and digital media) that are needed.

Accountability Partner – I don’t have an official accountability voice-over partner but I am part of a group, US Based British Voices, which has provided a similar type of support network. We help each other with rate, tech, and casting opportunities and provides a sounding board when required.

Editing – Increasingly, I choose to outsource editing of longer-form narrations such as E-Learning and Audiobooks. I consciously build the cost into my rate. It saves mountains of time, ensures a quality end product, and enables me to build a working relationship with someone who can hire me back. Triple win!

Casting - I make sure my clients know that I can help them find the talent they need. So in this example I am the outsourcee – and I become a valued resource to my client, My VO friends can benefit (and will think kindly in return, if one of their clients needs a Brit).

To find out more about Outsourcing & Support services for Voice Actors check out Brigid Reale & Lynn Norris’s Breakout session at VO ATLANTA entitled Trade Time For Money March 31, 2022.

VOATLANTA can be attended virtually or in-person and is a great way to find the Voiceover support we all need.


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